This survival kit from Smith and Wesson is a nice little tool with some emergency supplies and survival gear. The compactness makes it a great tool to implement in your survival kits or camping packs. Although not the most comprehensive multi tool or survival kit, it does add a few more aspects than a typical fire starter. The hard handle on the flint striker is grippy and durable. The survival kit addition is something usually done with knives but Smith and Wesson took it a step further by implenting a survival knife kit design into a survival fire starter kit. A must have addition to any collection of survival gear and emergency supplies. You have your 2 sources of fire starting tools, a navigation aid, and emergency food procurement tools (fishing gear); all compact enough to save some space for a few other supplies such as money, tinder, more matches, and even a knife blade. Colors may vary on a lot of products. The supplier is not able to send a specific color for most items, images are to show style only. Flint Striker Fire Starting Tool Matches Fishing Gear (line, sinker and hooks) Compass Needles