Does WiFi Affect Plants?
We've made it easy to do this science experiment. You can grow the same thing in two different places in your home. Place one Micro-greens tray near your WiFi or Baby Monitor or any other wireless device in your home and another in a spot that's clear from EMF radiation and then watch what happens.
This Microgreens EMF Science Experiment Kit was inspired by Avila, a 7th grader who WON her school's Science Fair by doing an EMF and Micro-greens project. Read Here and Listen to The Podcast For The Details and Research Avila used to create the winning EMF entry.
Your Micro-greens Kit comes with our Favorite Easy To Use EMF Radiation Meter to detect wireless waves of energy.
How To Find Out If WiFi or Wireless EMF Damages Plants
Use it to find the safest place in your home and the area that has the highest level of EMF. The kit also comes with yummy organic greens seeds, trays for growing directions for care.
Use Our High Quality EMF Meter again to help you detect hidden wireless dangers in your home and environment.
Grow more greens after the experiment with 3 additional organic varieties to enjoy in salads and sandwiches and healthy meals.
The EMF Micro-greens Science Experiment Kit Includes:
- Our powerful personal RF Radiation Detector . Unlike any other wireless radiation meter in its price range-we think this easy to read radiation detector is simply divine.
Engineered and designed by RF electrical engineers, the fully calibrated meter is manufactured in Canada with a circuit board made in Silicon Valley
- So simple to read -- It uses color coded LED's which correlate to measurement ranges to assess the RF exposure in your environment.
- HEAR the Sounds of RF radiation too! This easy EMF meter/reader also has a sound signature analysis which helps identify which RF sources you are being exposed to.
The Microgreens items include 4 popular seed varieties and 3 trays, so you can enjoy more variety. • Seed to Superfood in 7 Days
Plant Fiber Growing Mats and 3 small hydroponic grow trays
- Made in United States of America